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Learner guidelines

These guidelines apply to all ConnectOne match interactions, whether it’s only one or many multiple meetings.  Please use them to help establish the foundation for a successful partnership with your volunteer.

View your volunteer as someone who provides perspective, not answers

Your volunteer’s knowledge is a valuable platform to explore new ideas. However, it is not to be taken definitively, unconditionally, or without reservation. Double-check information when you feel necessary.

You are ultimately responsible for what you do with the information your volunteer shares.

Be proactive, responsive, & take responsibility for your own learning

Understand what you want from the experience and be able to explain your goals.

Try organizing thoughts & questions before each meeting so your time together is spent well. Also, be responsive to emails, texts, & voicemail, or let your volunteer know if it will be a while before you can reply.

Many volunteers may appreciate learners who take initiative & demonstrate they are being proactive to make the most of their time together.

Set expectations together at the beginning

This includes time, place, and frequency of meetings. Discuss preferences re: text, email, phone, realistic response times, etc.  Set an understanding of how your volunteer can & can’t help.

Commit to your appointments and be on time

Avoid cancelling. If you must, notify your volunteer as soon as you can. You should expect this from your volunteer as well. It’s important for both of you to respect the time the other has blocked off.

We recommend to always re-confirm meetings as they approach.

Treat your volunteer's information confidentially

Don’t discuss your volunteer’s experiences with others unless s/he says it’s okay.  You can also have this same expectation. It is understandable to not want your conversations shared.

Take time to periodically evaluate

Have an open discussion on what’s working well & not-so-well for each of you.  The direct dialogue helps ensure your partnership remains productive & positive. It can identify improvement areas that may otherwise not be mentioned.

Please contact ConnectOne if you have any questions about these guidelines.